Going To Italy
Actually Firenze. Yup I was in a vacation with my family. a long story which will take much time to write as a whole. As for returning to work, writing here to document it made some perspective.
I have a lot of work but i feel refreshed. First priorities are to reduce website loading time, meaning load new photos with lower size. also work with wix guidelines here: http://www.wix.com/blog/2014/07/optimize-images-for-websites/
I've already managed to do some art work (art?) at DragonLords icon:
Which one is better?
And I've stared to work on integrating Virtual Sky again. new updates again for cardboard sdk and for vsky. on the new empty project i can see an ad already. so this is good. but on importing i had issues with cardboard sdk. i think.
so, for this night im retiring since im dizzy from the long day of trains, buses, taxi, flight and car,cleaning the house also...