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Virtual Reality

Every gamer knows VR is the next big thing. If you've been nice to your parents, than you may already got a New PC with your dreamy VR Headset.

But, If you're not a teenager and can't buy it just yet, you probably using a mobile device with Cardboard of a sort.

There are many experience in VR production field that you can try for free with just a few clicks in google.

Here are my works. It's a mix of free sources from the web, some basic coding and a lot of plugins.

And to be honest, I can't be honest, I must go and keep working on updates, fixes, and animations. To solve emerging issues with sdk's versions and thing i don't wanna know about. I'll just pour some more content into this Cardboard machine. Already started thinking on the next game...

Casual Games


For Everyone

When i was a kids, i played Pac-Man and Fire Fire!
No Real gaming computers back then, just a TV with a tape recorder and a Dragon 32KB.
Games were simple yet very powerful on a kid imagination. 
Today we are at the golden age of gaming. The market is flooded with ocean of games, remakes and plain replicates of big hits.
Yet like diamonds in the mud, once in awhile a breakthrough game appear. With low budget (if any), with simple concept or design, it can surprise us all.
For me Gaming is as much art as painting or poetry.  It combine so many aspects, so to just call it a GAME?
For me Games aren't Games at all. "Gamers" are better than "real soldiers".
My games are small, yet I hope they can still impact in this multi game universe. Games makes our life better, and if not better, than sure safer. With this i end: This is not the end.. ;)

Educational Games
For The Future

I'm not a teacher, yet in this fast learning age, games can teach a child much more than traditional teaching.
There are many contradictions about whether games should teach our kids. I believe that everything should be moderate, and that we learn from many things, including games. If you are in the process in constant learning, than i guess you internalized some of good learning. 
I tried to make these games simple, fun and informative. to help kids learn reading and writing in easy, relaxing way. To learn about animals, and even sing with them.
I made - "Animals Book" with many voice over translation, because i believe we are in the process of becoming global community.
Hope your kids love my games and will learn something from it. Just don't let them play too much ;)


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