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I'm finally progressing with VR Hunters. It took some time to understand what i did there. A lot of work with old methods that i forgot. But with enough digging i'm on the path. mentioning path, im now backing up before trying to use other path method since the animals are ignoring terrain, flying in the air, and relying on old navigation system i created. Lets try something new. So. I was flyering today also. got a few calls from customers, with a new schedule for friday.

i'm trying to replace Cardboard SDK, hope the performance will improve. I've killed on e mosquito for sure. another one probably.

And the mess begins. Probably now i'll need to replace all plugins: GPGS, Ads.

meanwhile, loading assets can take time in my old pc. I'm creating a template project with some basic plugins. From now on, i'm startin with plugins ready.

My next project, while updating other, is VR Elephant Ride. yup.

Running Build now. hopefully without errors this time.. seems ok so far.

Yup. GJ. now lets see if its running ok. since my android and pc long time now not talking to each other (with cable), and also Dropbox making issues. i've found a nice app called"Filedrop",which is doing great job. fast and sweet.

I've actually replaced all navigation system, for running animals. including spawn system. I've deleted some scripts and replaced them with Playmaker state. Working a lot better now. anyway the run on the android is very slow. I'm trying now without trees.

another Yup, but not weepe. The trees are casing the low FPS. Now it run smoothly. I see a few things to fix, some camera adjustment, speed of game, slow climbing in the hills, and more....

well, I've done some progress today and tomorrow i'm gonna fix some computers (work work)..

Going to Italy in about a week, so i hope to release a version before, and to work for living by fixing computers. NN.

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