Final Fixes
This is the last things before i go publish the first version:
different attacking places menu fix dragon fire at each other colliders fix score level remember practice level 2 dragons village fix quality and performance these i already done today.
check city health after waves.
starting fix wave finish text falling dragon fix
background work particles smoke
Also I've started writing work protocol. much help with work process. i should adopt this method for reducing errors. here it is:
6/4/2016 9:15:16 AM
Marked “is kinematic” for FQ
Added cave colliders. Fixes for mountain and cave.
Unmarked “is kinematic” for FQ
Mountain can’t let in cave because of terrain collider
Changed arrow position
Arrowspawn moved to hand with fsm for look at aim
Fixes for exploding arrow
Running build test
Running test mark – Remember to check Cardboard Rotation
Created ground and another FSM for animation depending on state – air fly ground walk
Run Build
Build ok.
Detected issues. Arrow fire straight only. Suspect look at aim cause it.
Fixed. Still there is issue that arrows seem not to fire from the archer. Probably will stay like this because of the nature of aiming. If ill change it the arrow might not get to where I want. Still would check it later.
Remember to work on one issue at a time. At all cost.
Added bool to check if enemy is killed and not to breath fire.
A lot of work on dragons falling, text on wave completion, city health restore.
Build. Oh remember to check cardboard.
Checked. Running.
Good test. Still issues with smoke at close range. And city died weirdly after dragon killed.
Taking a Break. Making BU.
Back to work. Worked a bit on the BG. Running test to see performance effect.
Good run.
Setting prefs for waveIndex and for score.
Fixes for smoke and dragon fall.
Audio lisenter removed from cam and now on arrowSpawn.
More fixes. Added sounds, flying and explosions. Cleared the terrain collider while in cave and when trying to enter. Need to check it again.
Final run for today.
Beautiful. Maybe tomorrow ill upload first version.