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Captain's Log: Star date: 000:00:3:0:1:0:0

Good morning, A lot of work is to be done. I already brought my kid to the kindergarten, had to hear her show on YouTube (for the 1000 time), all the way. But, now i'm home. getting ready to work. Someone might call and ask when do i plan to arrive and fix their PC. I need to work as normal computer technician after all.

My plan for today is giving sound effects to all the animals in the scene. Also an opening screen with buttons.

I'm already rolling in my mind the next VR game I'm planing. A VR Dragon Rider.

So, Lets Get to it.

My inspiration for today, is blizzard new game Overwatch:

I'm not going to play this game, but at least i'll get some updates..

OK, Enough talking.

I've started working on a chicken jumping animation. going pretty well. I've already familiar with animation issues such as playing with the curves when everything rotate the other direction. As I preschsualled I've got a call and got some tech work to do. So, I g2g and earn some money. I would continue only at the evening, after i get free from daily missions. Good luck.

I'm back. It's Evening. after 10PM, and i'm already tired. A long day as I see it. My VR Horse Ride is starting to show some life signals. 22 ad exposures. Better than 0. I don't have any budjet for advertising so i can only hope that people would like it and that more downloads will ad over time (short time would be better). I need to schedule a doctor appointment to check my ear. and i need to drive 10 min to buy something to smoke. Just waiting for my wife to return so i can go. Meanwhile i'll continue to work on my chicken animation. so not important. yet, this is detail. so maybe it adds to the whole. yes i believe it does.

Alot happned. alot of details. not booring but i want to finish the chicken. now, animated, and need to walk the path and jump to a straw pile. straw? nvm...

Ho no. Got a new hot error -

NullReferenceException: (null)UnityEditor.SerializedObject..ctor (UnityEngine.Object[] objs) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/editor/SerializedPropertyBindings.gen.cs:74)

I guess its just Null Object somewhere. the other code is not much but to scare me. I've backed up my project folder and i'll start deleting objects until i find it. I'm not using a debugger. and its not bothering me. What does bothering me is a possibility that a mosquito has sneak inside my room again.

Yep. as someone mentioned in this post, restarting Unity solved the error :))

I Finished the Chicken aniamtion with walking jumping and landing saftly on the straws. GJ. I'll add sounds later. anywat im loading it to store and thats it for today.

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